How to Know Downsizing Right for You in 2024

Looking at downsizing your space in 2024, we are here to help you get your home into shape and overall declutter your life. By using a storage unit from Milt’s Mini Storage, you can declutter your space, get more space and spend less money. Here are some ways to declutter your home in 2024:

  1. Separate your belongings in three different piles.
    • We recommend separating your belongings into three different piles: items you need or make you happy, items that can be sold or donated, and items that need to be thrown away. With these three piles it will make the process of decluttering your home easy. For the items that make you happy, you will need to determine how urgent you will need them to be because you can either keep them at home or for those that aren’t frequently needed can be stored in a storage unit. As you are putting items aside for storage, document those items on a list because it will come in handy when looking for them in your storage unit.
  1. Consider storage facilities features when decluttering
    • When you are looking into decluttering your home and trying to find a storage unit to hold all your belongings, you can select the right storage features to help protect them. For an example, if you are needing to store older family photos or documents, you will need to look into climate control. When looking for features of a storage facility look for; security camera, secured gate access, onsite manager, and financially stable for you. Now if you are decluttering a large amount of items, a feature you should be looking for is a storage unit with drive up access.
  1. Final tips to help you declutter
    • The last important thing about decluttering is that you are not simply out to move your clutter to a storage unit, but to use the storage unit to store and organize all your belongings. If you plan on storing a lot, avoid stacking boxes over your shoulder to avoid any boxes from falling. You can use Milt’s Mini Storage’s space calculator to help determine what size is perfect for you and the items you are needing to store.

The past couple years have been rough, getting out of the clutter can be difficult and can get out of control. Milt’s Mini Storage is here for your storage needs and can give you all the space you need for moving forward in the next phase of your life. Milt’s Mini Storage has all the necessary storage features including secured gate access, on-site live-in manager, security cameras, and affordable storage. Call today to see what storage units we have available!

How to Make the Most of Self Storage as a College Student

Here come the next steps in life after high school and some tips on when to use self storage unit for you. College is an exciting time from trying to find your major to finding a place to get all your items between semesters. With the right storage facility, students can strategize from having the headaches of what to do with their items. Here are some reasons that self-storage is a college student’s best kept secret.

  • Summer and Winter Break
    • Take everything home from your dorm room can be a hassle and inconvenient during your summer and winter break. Self-storage doesn’t fully remove the process of packing and unpacking but it does help lessen the burden of having to move the same items every time. Don’t worry about getting tied down to a storage facility because many storage facilities offer month to month leases. They will have you covered whether you are only needing it for summer or winter break, with no more cramming items into your car. Storage facilities are here to make your breaks breezy with being able to keep your items close to you.
  • Studying Aboard
    • Getting the opportunity to study in another county is amazing, but that can bring to the table – what do I do with my college items? Putting your items in a storage unit is helping make sure that your items are secure and out of your family or friends way. Month to month leases help make sure you aren’t stuck paying for a storage when you don’t need it. Self-storage is cheaper than keeping your apartment or dorm for just storage purposes.
  • Transitioning Between Apartment/Dorms
    • One semester you are in a dorm, and the next, possibly moving into an apartment with roommates. Moving day can already be a headache, having a storage unit helps you move your items in stages. Self-storage facilities are here to help that process easier and help give your items a temporary home.
  • Decluttering Your Dorm Room or Apartment
    • Given the tight quarters in your dorm room, it can start to become cluttered faster without you realizing it. Between the textbooks, winter items, and some impulsive buys you start to notice it getting crowed. Picking a storage facility near you can help you grab the items you need.
  • Vehicle Storage
    • Are you tired of driving around campus to find a parking spot? Parking fees can also be a huge factor, the pricing keeps going up. There are storage options for all your vehicle needs. There are storage places with outdoor covered and uncovered parking for half the price of a parking permit at the school.

Self storage for college students just simply makes sense because it gives you the solution to keeping your items close. If you are looking for additional space, we recommend going over the basics of self storage and follow our tips. Milt’s Mini Storage can give you all the space you need for moving forward in the next phase of your life. Milt’s Mini Storage has all the necessary storage features including secured gate access, on-site live-in manager, security cameras, and affordable storage. Call today to see what storage units we have available!

Storage Unit Size: How to Find for an Apartment

Are you unsure of what size unit you are needing for your one-bedroom apartment, well we are here to help you get an idea of what size storage unit you will need. Whether you are downsizing or a first time renter, you will soon come face to face with a short supply in storage. Here with Milt’s Mini Storage, we can help you reclaim your space without compromising the items that matter to you.

  • How to decide on the right storage size got your one-bedroom apartment
    • We take pride in helping our customers with our wide range of storage unit sizes. We understand that we have a range of different sized units and it can become overwhelming. We want you to find the perfect match for your needs and budget, you can use our self-storage size guide.
  • What fits in a 5×10 storage unit?
    • A 5×10 storage unit is about the size of a walk-in closet, this unit is ideal for the belongings from a dorm room, one-bedroom apartment, or any small living. Anything from a queen sized bed, small appliances, and several boxes of personal items can all fit comfortably in the storage unit.
  • Is a 5×15 big enough for you?
    • A 5×15 is the next size up, this size helps provide additional space suitable for the items you don’t use on the daily. We recommend a 5×15 storage unit to those who have a little bit more to store.
  • How big is a 10×10 storage unit?
    • A 10×10 storage unit gives you an extra 25 square feet from a 5×15 storage unit. When renting a 10×10 storage unit and helps give you the convenience of having a wide roll-up door and double the size of a smaller unit. The larger door allows for effortless movement of bigger items and having to navigate tight corners or cramped entryways.

Everyone’s storage needs are different, and they often change over time because you either get more items or sell them. You may find that you only need a small space and we have you covered for all sizes and any of our 8 self-storage locations. From our smallest size to our biggest size, we are here for all your self-storage needs. Contact Milt’s Mini Storage today and let our managers help you find the perfect self-storage unit for you and your belongings.

Self Storage Unit: How to Make an Inventory List

Creating an inventory list for your storage unit helps you save time and energy, once getting a storage unit it starts to become cluttered. Everywhere you look there are items that you do not need lying around. Here are some ways to help you make an inventory list for your storage unit:

  • Grab a pen and paper
    • This are key to having because you will need them to determine what is inside the boxes/totes you are storing. If you do not have enough room on your boxes write a number on them, this will help you corresponded your notes with the items in boxes. You can also use your phone to take notes, title your notes “Inventory List for My Storage Unit.”
  • Take Pictures
    • Use your phone or camera to take a picture of the contents inside the boxes, this will help you remember what is inside the boxes. Take a picture of the number on the box and then take pictures of then contents in the box. Having pictures of the contents will help you connect your notes on your phone with the pictures you took.
  • Take Your Time
    • Take your time on taking inventory because if you go to fast you might miss some items. This will help you get a good idea of the items you are storing and making sure that you are wanting to store certain items.

Milt’s Mini Storage is the best option for you in Omaha and Bellevue, Nebraska. We are help you to save time and make sure your storage life is stress free. Milt’s Mini Storage has all the necessary storage features including secured gate access, on-site live-in manager, security cameras, and affordable storage. For better information about our facilities please feel free to call today and see what storage units we have available!

Storage Unit: How to Know If You Need Storage

Are you starting to notice the overflow or trying to find new places to store your extra items? Are your hobbies, kid’s toys, and seasonal items starting to pile up anywhere you go? If this is happening to you, you may be in need of getting a storage unit. A storage unit can help you start gaining control of the clutter and getting your space back. Here are 5 signs that you are in need of a storage unit:

  1. You Can’t Find Anything
    • If you are on the hunt to find items around your home, that can become a clear sign that you are needing to get a storage unit. It can start to become impossible to store items in the right spot when it is getting taken up by something else. Renting a storage unit can help better organize and make it easier to locate your belongings when you need them.
  2. You’ve Stopped Opening Your Front Door
    • When the clutter starts to pile up, it can be hard to navigate through your home without stepping over piles of items. If you have stopped opening your front door because you are embarrassed about the state of your home, this can be a clear sign that you are needing a storage unit.
  3. Your Closets Are Overflowing
    • Are your clothes, shoes, or other items starting to take over every closet in the house? If so this can be an indicator that you are needing storage to help you become less cluttered and more organized. Renting a storage unit can give you home a new look by being organized, clutter free, and bringing your closets back to order.
  4. Your House Seems Small
    • All the clutter can make your house seem small and cramped. In some cases, your belongings can be so piled up that the people in your life can’t appreciate the space your home brings. If people are taken back by the small square footage of your home, this can be another sign to declutter and find a storage unit.
  5. Started Using Furniture for Storage
    • If you have noticed that you are storing items on your table or couch can be a signal that you are needing a storage unit. Renting a storage unit can prevent the misuse of furniture and provide a dedicated space for all your storage needs.

Take the time to go through your home and make your home feel much bigger than it is. Don’t let the clutter overcome you, you can start small and dedicate just 15 minutes a day decluttering. Whether you are getting started or picking up where you left off, this blog can help you understand the signs of needing a storage unit. Milt’s Mini Storage is here to help with your storage needs, whether you need help decluttering or finding a unit size that is perfect for you. Call today to see what we have to offer!

Expert Guide: Decluttering Your Self-Storage Unit Like a Pro

Have you ever been faced with the task of cleaning out your self-storage unit, you know how daunting it can be. Regardless of the different circumstances, it is no secret that decluttering and cleaning can be a hassle and not an exciting task. Are you needing to get rid of some items in your storage unit? Here is a guide on how to declutter and clean out the unwanted items in your storage unit.

  1. Preparing to Clean Out Your Storage Unit
    1. Take Inventory – The first thing you should do when decluttering or cleaning out your unit because it is the best way to know what items you are storing and what items that you know what to get rid of. Here are some tips to help you take inventory:
      1. Jot down what items you see – Make sure to have a pen and paper to write down what items you can see without having to sort everything.
      2. Estimate – Without having to move items, estimate how many items you have by taking the first step. Next note how many items you can move without needing help and estimate how long you think it will take.
  • Look inside available boxes – Open as many boxes or totes that you can and take a quick inventory of what items are inside them if they are not labeled. Make quick notes on the fragile, valuable, or significant.
  1. Enlist Help and Determine a Day
    1. To lessen the chances of getting stressed during the clean out or decluttering process, prepare yourself for what is to come. Pick a time that works best for you, make sure that you have the supplies needed; garbage bags, labels, markers, totes, and moving supplies. Recruiting help can make the process of decluttering and cleaning go by faster. Before cleaning out your unit, here are some items to think about:
      1. How many people do you need to help? Once you find out how many items you have, you can determine how many hands you will need to help you. Ask for help in advance to make sure that the day you have selected works for everyone.
      2. How much time do you need? Most self-storage storage facilities have a time limit on when you can be on the property. Break everything down into tasks and plan out how long one task will take. Remember that it might take a couple days of cleaning or decluttering, this will depend on the size of your self-storage unit.
  • Do you have an emotional attachment to your items? When cleaning out your self-storage unit, you can come across sentimental items. Take time going through those items and when you come across those items it can become emotional, so take your time and don’t rush.
  1. Cleaning Out Your Unit
    1. Once you know what you are getting yourself into, here are the next steps to take when cleaning out your self-storage unit:
      1. Sort your items into categories with the four category declutter method:
        1. Keep Box – include items you can remove from your storage unit and bring home.
        2. Store Box – Items that you want to continue to store; like holiday items or seasonal décor.
        3. Sell Box – Items you plan to sell or donate.
        4. Toss Box – This is items that you do not need anymore and are completely broken beyond repair.

Cleaning out and decluttering your self-storage unit can be a major undertaking. Whether you are getting started or picking up where you left off, this blog can help you understand the details of how to clean or declutter your self-storage unit. Milt’s Mini Storage is here to help with your storage needs, whether you need help decluttering or finding a unit size that is perfect for you. Call today to see what we have to offer!

How to Downsize Your Home or Apartment Today

The process of moving homes can be difficult especially when you plan on moving into a smaller place. Whether you are retiring, getting a smaller place, or wanting to become more minimalist, downsizing is one of those things that can take time. Here are some tips on different ways to downsize your home and embrace living simple.

  • Let Your Lifestyle Guide You
    • If you plan on downsizing your home that means there is going to be a lifestyle change, and change is good. With change it can be hard to say goodbye to items, like sending your kid to college and aren’t ready to let go of their childhood items. If you are retiring and wanting to devote your time to traveling or hobbies, it is best to identify the items you’ll need when prioritizing your new passions. You can still effectively downsize your home by opting for a self-storage unit for items you don’t need on a day to day basis.
  • Think Before You Buy
    • Moving can present the opportunity to buying new items for your new place to get a “fresh start” and making your new home feel like home. For every item you buy, you have to find items that are equivalent to items your currently own. Of course your smaller space will need items that fit perfectly in the new space, like getting a smaller couch or a small storage system. Getting a storage unit can help your storage those bulkier items away when you are trying to sell or gift them.
  • Start Downsizing Early
    • Downsizing is not the time to procrastinate, the key to efficiently start organizing and downsizing is to start early. It can become overwhelming and stressful, so having an idea of what items you are wanting to get rid of early on can help the process go by smoothly.

Downsizing can be difficult but letting your lifestyle guide you, thinking before you buy, and starting to downsize early can help make the process easier. Milt’s Mini Storage is here for your downsizing needs, whether you are needing a place to store your valuable items, items you plan on selling, or place to put your hobbies. Milt’s Mini Storage has all the necessary storage features including secured gate access, on-site live-in manager, security cameras, and affordable storage. Call today to see what storage units we have available!

How to the Most of Your Storage Unit in any Weather

When the seasons change, you find different items that you need to store or find a safe place to put without ruining them. Most people think that self-storage is for when you are moving or decluttering but, whether you are cleaning your garage or clearing out a spare space self-storage is the perfect solution for you. At the end of the winter season, you need space for your winter equipment and Christmas decoration, but when the spring season starts to come you are now ready for spring cleaning. Here are some tips to help when using self-storage during the seasons:

  1. Spring cleaning made easy for you
    1. At the end of winter when the days slowly start to get warmer and sunnier, you need a place to store your heavy coats and winter equipment. Spring is the perfect time to start decluttering your apartment or home and organize your living space. This is where Milt’s Mini Storage comes in, because our self-storage units provide a convenient and secure solution to storing your items during your spring cleaning. Best storage for the changing seasons is climate control, as the weather starts to change climate control is the best solution to keep your items protected from the temperatures.
  2. Fall into Self-storage
    1. After the Spring and Summer, here comes the arrival of Fall, there is a need to switch out your wardrobe for the cozy boots and coats. Self-storage is the perfect solution for keeping your summer clothes and linen in the off season. Climate controlled storage units can protect your delicate fabric from the harsh fall and winter cold. If you to store your summer toys, our Bellevue location located on 2715 Chandler Road West has storage for your RVs, boats, and other recreational vehicles that you could own.
  3. Winter Wonderland of Self-Storage
    1. Winter brings the challenge of finding a space to store all your winter essentials. From the amount of winter clothes to seasonal decorations, your home can start to become overcrowded and messy. This is where storage comes in because, whether you are storing your winter coat to your Christmas tree, the organization of your home is the most important key to organization.

Here at Milt’s Mini Storage, we are the solution to your storage needs. Whether it is personal, business, or vehicle, we are here for all your needs. Milt’s Mini Storage can keep your belongings safe and secure with gated access, 24/7 security cameras, and on-site live-in manager. From spring cleaning to the winter wonderland, our self-storage units are designed to keep your items in top condition.

Storage Unit: How to Choose the Right for Artist

If you are an artist, you know the challenges that come with protecting, storing, and organizing your art and your art supplies. One solution to helping you keep track of your art and supplies is a self storage unit. A self storage unit isn’t just for storing extra furniture or holiday items – they can be an easy solution for artist. Here are some tips when it comes to storing your art or art supplies and can help you create space in your studio.

  1. Organizing Your Supplies
    1. Extra supplies like notebooks, canvas, paint, brushes, and frames can become unorganized and clutter around your work space. A self storage unit is a perfect way for artist to keep their extra supplies safe and out of their work space. A climate controlled storage unit will help your art and supplies from getting ruined by the heat and moisture. If you are putting boxes with art supplies in a self storage unit make sure to label the boxes.
  2. Safely Store Your Art
    1. If your artwork is sitting around it can collect dust between your shows, a self-storage unit is a great way to keep your extra art safe and free up space. If you plan on selling or waiting for an artist fair, consider putting your artwork in a self-storage unit and you will be surprised how much more organized and free your home will be.
  3. How to Store Your Art
    1. Now that you know why it can be important to put your art and supplies in a storage unit, we can look over how to store your items so they do not become damaged.
      1. It is best to rent a climate controlled unit, with the climate controlled unit it will help protect your art form mold and the different seasons.
      2. Store your artwork in a large enough space, and keep your items propped up with pallets or more secured storage bins.
  • Make sure to cover your art properly, this can include draping a sheet over your artwork to prevent dust. We recommend not bubbling wrapping or newspaper because those can trap moisture and ruin your artwork.
  1. Keep a detailed inventory of what items you are storing; this can help you when you are looking for specific items for your next show.

The best part about self storage units for artist, is the peace in mind knowing that your artwork and art supplies are safe and organized. In general, when looking for a self storage unit, look for a climate controlled unit to protect your items from the different seasons. To learn more about storage for artist find a Milt’s Mini Storage near you in Omaha and Bellevue, NE and talk with our on-site live-in manager. Milt’s Mini Storage has all the necessary storage features including secured gate access, on-site live-in manager, security cameras, and affordable storage.

How to Know if a 5×5 Storage Unit is for You

If you are someone, like a college student or empty nester, with a few things to store a 5×5 storage unit might be an option for storing your items. A 5×5 storage unit is small but it can still hold a good amount of items. We will take a look at if a 5×5 storage unit is the right size for you to store all your items.

  • How much can fit inside a 5×5 storage unit?
    • A 5×5 storage unit is a 5-foot-long x 5-foot-wide x 8-foot-high and about 200 cubic feet. Most people don’t fill their storage unit up to the ceiling, with this it means that you have about 180 cubic feet of space to use in your 5×5 storage unit.
  • Items from a college dorm, apartment, or small business that can fit inside a 5×5 storage unit
    • When looking for a storage unit it is good to have an idea of what items you are things about storing, here are some items that you can store inside a 5×5 unit:
      • A single bed and mattress
      • Desk
      • Chair
      • Night Table
      • Bicycle
      • Mini Fridge
      • About 10 small boxes and/or 8 medium boxes
    • A 5×5 storage unit is a good size for a college student to rent if they are planning to go abroad or home between semesters. For empty nesters it can be nice to store items from cleaning a spare room. A 5×5 storage unit is also a perfect size for small business owners and entrepreneurs because you can use the 5×5 storage unit to store overstock, supplies, and equipment.
  • Do you need a 5×5 climate controlled storage unit?
    • A climate controlled unit is a storage unit that aims to keep your items in a temperature controlled area inside a building. Climate controlled storage units are a perfect way to store items that don’t do well in weather. Here is a list of items to think about storing in a climate controlled storage unit:
      • Electronics
      • Medical Equipment and supplies
      • Antiques
      • Collectables
      • Artwork

Now that you know what a little more about a 5×5 storage unit, you are able to decide whether it is the perfect size for you. College students, small business owners, or empty nesters who need a room cleaned out, a 5×5 storage unit is perfect for you. Milt’s Mini Storage has all the necessary storage features including secured gate access, on-site live-in manager, security cameras, and affordable storage. To find out more about what storage sizes we offer and finding a storage near you click on our locations page!